web statistics Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC) Cikarang Biz

Cikarang Biz

Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC)

Industrial area in the City Deltamas has 2 concept, the concept of developing the first Greenland Industry covering 50 ha that have been developed for light industrial and is now sold out. As for the second development area of ​​1.000 ha, or so-called Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC) will be included in ZONI (International Zone) for the industrial area consisting of 7 regions and will be the largest special economic zone.

This is supported by the government’s plan to make Cape Coral toll lanes that will support the distribution channels for industrial areas in the city of Jakarta in particular.

Greenland International Industrial Center
Jl. Tol Jakarta-Cikampek Km. 37 Cikarang Pusat 17530
Telp : 021-89971188, Fax : 021-89972028 – Bekasi

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