web statistics Mutiara Islami Plus Islamic School Cikarang Biz

Cikarang Biz

logo-mutiara-islamiTK-SD-SMP Plus Mutiara Islami is a shade under Yayasan Ibadah Amaliah Mulia Asih, located in Kota Serang Baru, Sukaragam Village, Serang Baru, Bekasi – West Java. This school is new school which was growing rapidly and became the first alternative school for parents / guardians of students who want to enroll their children at secondary school level.

Yayasan Ibadah Amaliah Mulia Asihhas the objective to assist the government in order to realize national welfare based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945 through the efforts to develop education, da `wah and social.

Islamiplus Islamic School
Kaveling B, Perumahan Kota Serang Baru
Cikarang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat
Telp : 021 70308904, 08567612420
Website : http://www.islamiplus.sch.id


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