web statistics PT ZI-TECHASIA Cikarang Biz

Cikarang Biz

ZI-TECHASIAPT ZI-TECHASIA, An industry leader in industrial water and chemical treatment, representing multi-national brands ZI-CHEM® and Ashland Hercules Water.

We provide integrated solutions with value added services to all industries and specialize in the following industries: Food processing industry, petrochemical, power utility, geothermal power generator, cement manufacturing, mining processing, palm oil mills, automotive industry, pulp and paper mills and other general manufacturing.


-Treatment Chemicals: Boiler water treatment Cooling water treatment Waste water treatment Raw water treatment
-Cleaning Boiler,HE,chiller and cooling tower -Environmental Equipment: Heavy metal precipitation
-Service: Training and Lab. Analysis

For futher Information
Anggun Putra Sales and service engineer PT ZI-TECHASIA
Telepon : 021.5296.1448
Fax : 021.5296.1460
Mobile : 0815.1973.5353 ; 0811.111.5921
Personal email: katalis17@yahoo.com
Company email: putra@zi-id.com
website: http://www.zi-techasia.com


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    Sewa Cuma Rp 350.000 / Bulan